Representation of Stacks through Linked Lists


To implement a stack using the singly linked list concept, all the singly linked list operations should be performed based on Stack operations LIFO(last in first out) and with the help of that knowledge, we are going to implement a stack using a singly linked list. 

So we need to follow a simple rule in the implementation of a stack which is last in first out and all the operations can be performed with the help of a top variable. Let us learn how to perform Pop, Push, Peek, and Display operations in the following article:

In the stack Implementation, a stack contains a top pointer. which is the “head” of the stack where pushing and popping items happens at the head of the list. The first node has a null in the link field and second node-link has the first node address in the link field and so on and the last node address is in the “top” pointer.

Stack Operations: 

  • push(): Insert a new element into the stack i.e just insert a new element at the beginning of the linked list.
  • pop(): Return the top element of the Stack i.e simply delete the first element from the linked list.
  • peek(): Return the top element.
  • display(): Print all elements in Stack.

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