Objectives of DBMS


Objectives of DBMS

Database management system is developed through programming language but its object is to give the benefit to general person. A normal accountant who do not know the programming language can easily take benefit from advance DBMS. Every DBMS should be made for achieving following objectives

1. To Reduce Duplication 

You see that when we fill the data, there is the chance of duplicacy. It should the objective of DBMS to reduce this duplicacy. Recent DBMS will automatically check the duplicate record and give warning to you for not recording. By solving this problem, we can work on less storage space. Let me explain. You have a computer with 150 GB Hard disk but if you start to save same film 50 or 100 times with different name what will happen. Your space will not be more power to save any other thing. Like this, duplicated data requires also our free space of storage. So, it should be reduced.

2. To Share the Data 

To share the data to its users under the controlled environment is the objective of DBMS. For example, we all use Google Drive. Actually, it has been renamed of Google's old Google Docs. Google docs application is also DBMS. It has been written in Java Programming language. You can invite other users who have Google account. So, only authorized user can get power to see shared data.
Recently, I got a query. A company is using Oracle software. Its accountant makes report of VAT and other Sales Reports. But its customer wants all reports including VAT in Tally.ERP 9 format. Both are different DBMS. I have suggest the accountant that he uses only those DBMS which is used by customer because it will be easy to give all the reports which your customer demands. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to convert from one format to other format. But all the developer and programmers who have developed these DBMS should take it as challenge because without sharing, there is nothing importance of any database.

3. To Bring Integrity of Data 

Integrity of data means to bring the accuracy and consistency. For this, DBMS gives power to its user that they can establish the validation controls. For example, you are interested to know the current salary of any employee to whom you are interested to appoint in your company. You can develop a form in which you can ask to mention the current salary. For its validation, you can give different options.

4. To Secure the Data 

Data of any organisation is the worthy asset. It should be protected. For security of the data is the responsibility of data administrator. DBMS should adopt advance security checks for rejection of unauthorized access  in database.

5. To Bring Independence in Data 

Data should be independent both physical and logical. In database fields any record should easily add or delete.

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