Introduction to Non-Linear Data Structures


Non-linear data structure

  • A non-linear data structure is another important type in which data elements are not arranged sequentially; mainly, data elements are arranged in random order without forming a linear structure.
  • Data elements are present at the multilevel, for example, tree.
  • In trees, the data elements are arranged in the hierarchical form, whereas in graphs, the data elements are arranged in random order, using the edges and vertex.
  • Multiple runs are required to traverse through all the elements completely. Traversing in a single run is impossible to traverse the whole data structure.
  • Each element can have multiple paths to reach another element.
  • The data structure where data items are not organized sequentially is called a non-linear data structure. In other words, data elements of the non-linear data structure could be connected to more than one element to reflect a special relationship among them.

Let us discuss some of its types:

Trees and Graphs are the types of non-linear data structures.


  • The tree is a non-linear data structure that is comprised of various nodes. The nodes in the tree data structure are arranged in hierarchical order.
  • It consists of a root node corresponding to its various child nodes, present at the next level. The tree grows on a level basis, and root nodes have limited child nodes depending on the order of the tree.
  • For example, in the binary tree, the order of the root node is 2, which means it can have at most 2 children per node, not more than it.
  • The non-linear data structure cannot be implemented directly, and it is implemented using the linear data structure like an array and linked list.
  • The tree itself is a very broad data structure and is divided into various categories like Binary tree, Binary search tree, AVL trees, Heap, max Heap, min-heap, etc.
  • All the types of trees mentioned above differ based on their properties.


  • A graph is a non-linear data structure with a finite number of vertices and edges, and these edges are used to connect the vertices.
  • The graph itself is categorized based on some properties; if we talk about a complete graph, it consists of the vertex set, and each vertex is connected to the other vertexes having an edge between them.
  • The vertices store the data elements, while the edges represent the relationship between the vertices.
  • A graph is very important in various fields; the network system is represented using the graph theory and its principles in computer networks.
  • Even in Maps, we consider every location a vertex, and the path derived between two locations is considered edges.
  • The graph representation's main motive is to find the minimum distance between two vertexes via a minimum edge weight.

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